
Course Information

First -Year Seminar (SLA 102)

Term Fall 2006


Kimberly A McCartyShow MyInfo popup for Kimberly A McCarty
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Office hours:
  • I am on campus Monday through Friday in the admissions office. My extension is x4639, and I am available to meet with students by appointment. Please call or email me to schedule.


    Wed, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (8/28/2006 - 12/14/2006) Location: A


    A one-credit course providing all traditional first-year students with an orientation to university level expectations and resources available to them at Seton Hill University. The course focuses on the development of specific skills and strategies for academic, personal, professional, and interpersonal success. This class forges connections for students with one another, with an upper class student mentor, and with faculty and staff. It is student driven, mission focused, and interactive. Offered: Fall and spring semesters. Liberal Atrs Curriculum: Requiredfor all students who enter as freshmen.